Monday, November 23, 2020

Media brainwashing techniques

Scott Adams has highlighted some of the terminology democrats and the establish media (but I repeat myself) are using as brainwashing techniques to falsely present the election as fair.

1) "Refuses to concede" is making you think past the sale that Trump's legal challenges will fail. This is their main persuasion trick.

2) "Audit" is being used to make a simple recount of (alleged) fraudulent ballots seem as if that could potentially find all types of fraud, which a recount is not designed to do. When none is found (because they are not looking), they will declare it proof there was no fraud.

3) "No evidence" is being used to reframe "plenty of evidence but not yet proven in court".

To play them at their own game, the establishment media would have us believe that the candidate that struggled to fill twenty hula hoops, beat the candidate who consistently got tens of thousands of supporters at his rallies. And yet despite hundreds of witnesses of election fraud, Joe Biden still hasn't conceded.

With regard to the falsely named 'audit', as President Trump has highlighted on numerous occasions, a recount is pointless if it simply recounts the same fraudulent ballots that were included in the original count.

To expand upon the third point, there are numerous examples of statistical evidence that prove beyond doubt to any objective statistician that election fraud absolutely took place. There are also hundreds of pages of written testimonial evidence in the form of sworn affidavits. Then there's dead people voting, and digital evidence showing millions of votes being switched in the official election night feeds.

At this point the question isn't, 'Did they cheat?' The question is, How much did they cheat?' 

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