Sunday, November 15, 2020

Dominion voting machines

President Trump has shared some interesting videos on twitter regarding election fraud, and specifically the voting machines used in many states. The following video shared by President Trump explains how easy it is for hackers to hack the voting machines.

"What was so interesting was, I assumed coming into it that the big manufacturers, companies like ES&S and Dominion had provided these machines to the hackers to field test them but no, it turns out there's an extremely hostile relationship there and that ES&S and Dominion and other companies have basically said, 'We don't want to participate,' and really have been quite aggressive in saying we don't want to be part of this.

"So the organizers were reduced to finding these machines on eBay which right there is pretty terrifying, because it turns out anybody can buy some of the most common machines in use on eBay.

"What was really alarming was when you see these hackers, these are people who've never seen these machines before, had no practice on them for the most part, come in and engage them. They immediately get into the guts of them.

"Beyond that we were seeing Dominion's image cast system. It's a line of tabulators the paper ballots are fed into. That had its guts all over the room.

"It was not clear to us whether this was the most recent version of the ImageCast hardware, but it's important to know Georgia was about to spend over $100 million dollars on a contract with Dominion to provide ImageCast hardware to the state in time for the next primaries and for the 2020 election, and yet here these kids were who had opened it up. They said, 'Look, you can pop the front off of it and here's a port you can get into right here. That's easy.' You know, all kinds of stuff that you could certainly do in six minutes behind a curtain. Much less if you had extra time because any of these were connected to the web as we discovered a couple of days before so many of them are."

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If Dominion are confident in the security of their voting machines, then why were they so strongly against letting hackers field test them?

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