Sunday, November 15, 2020

The statistics behind Joe Biden's 'miraculous' late surge of Wisconsin votes.

Throughout most of the vote count in Wisconsin, President Trump held a steady lead. With 82% reporting, President Trump was up by 4.9 points; 51.7% to 46.8%. At 4am with 94% reporting, President Trump was up by 4.1 points.

President Trump led comfortably throughout
the evening until the final 6%.
There are currently 3,297,174 votes counted in Wisconsin, 3,240,268 of which are split between President Trump and Joe Biden. At 94% reporting that equated to 3,045,852 votes, split between President Trump and Joe Biden as follows:

President Trump = 1,585,366 votes
Biden = 1,460,486 votes

And yet despite this consistent lead for President Trump throughout the counting process, after the final 6% was counted, the overall vote totals somehow arrived at:

President Trump = 1,609,879 votes
Joe Biden = 1,630,389 votes

That means the final 6% of votes were split as follows:

President Trump = 24,513
Joe Biden = 169,903

To put that into percentages, after President Trump had consistently received over 50% of the vote for the first 94% of the vote count, somehow in the final 6% of the vote count he only received 12.6% of the votes. And despite consistently getting only 48% of the vote for the first 94% of the count, somehow in the last 6% of the count Joe Biden's vote percentage surged to 87.4%.

That is a massive red flag to any statistician, but sadly brainwashed leftists ignore statistics. Brainwashed leftists blindly parrot whatever narrative is fed to them by their establishment masters, and a popular narrative is, "Mail in votes!"

Mail in votes were counted before and after 4am. The mail system randomizes votes. Whatever the distribution between the two candidates from mail in votes, this distribution should be more or less constant throughout the count. Again, the mail in system randomizes votes from all over the state. The relative distribution between the two candidates from mail in votes should remain consistent throughout the count due to the mail system randomizing votes from throughout the state.

To summarize, here's a Tl;dr of the statistics:

Joe Biden was getting 47.95% of the vote until 4am. After 4am his vote share magically jumped to 87.4%. Again, any objective statistician will conclude that is a massive red flag. That this trend was repeated in pretty much every swing state, only raises further questions.


  1. There's an ever growing list of suspicious activity and questionable things that we should be looking into. We must also all focus on unity and accepting President Trump's landslide victory.

  2. It’s not just that there were a huge ratio of Biden votes. The number was calculated precisely to achieve a goal. I have documented this in a spreadsheet if you are interested.

  3. The sad thing out of all of this is that everyone honestly knows this was rigged. The problem is none of our elected officials, Dept of Justice, or media outlets are doing anything about it. I have aleady contacted my state Republican officials and they have chosen to sit this out. Their quote "He had a great fight but it just was not enough."


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