Sunday, November 29, 2020

General Flynn: "I was asked today on a scale of one to ten who will be the next President, and I said ten it'll be President Trump."

Here's a short clip from General Flynn's first interview since his pardon from President Trump, where he talks about his confidence that President Trump won the election in a landslide:

"We had probably ten or twelve affidavits come in from one particular state today, and because there's been a number of threats to people, these particular patriots they sent their photos in with their affidavits and said, 'Put mine up at the top of the list because I want people to know that I'm not going to be afraid of these people that are threatening our country and our way of life.'

"And so I say all that on one hand. On the other hand as I just described, we have clear, clear paths to victory for this President, and frankly he's gonna win Pennsylvania. He's gonna win Arizona. He's gonna win Georgia. He's gonna win Nevada. He's gonna win Michigan, and the other one that he's probably going to pull in is Wisconsin too, because there's a discrepancy in Wisconsin of 130,000 fraudulent ballots that they just found, they just discovered, so there's a lot of things happening, and to me it's all positive.

"I was asked today on a scale of one to ten who will be the next President, and I said ten it'll be Donald Trump. It'll be President Trump. There's no doubt in my mind. There's no doubt in my mind that he won this election hands down in a landslide. Probably somewhere between 350, 400 [electoral votes]."

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You can listen to the full interview at the link below:

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