Thursday, November 5, 2020

Project Veritas exposes election fraud in Michigan

James O'Keefe of Project Veritas posted the following tweet which features a video of an interview with a US Postal Service whistleblower based in Michigan.

The whistleblower's voice is distorted to protect his identity, but he describes his boss's directive to James O'Keefe. Here's the transcript from the video:

James O'Keefe: "Tell us where you work."
Whistleblower: "I work in the Traverse City Post Office. More specifically the Barlow branch."
JO: "Your boss told you and your colleagues something that shocked you this morning. What was it?"
WB: "We were issued a directive this morning to collect any ballots we find in mailboxes, collection boxes, just outgoing mail in general, separate them at the end of the day so that they could hand stamp them with the previous day's date. Today is November 4th for clarification."
JO: "Who is your boss? What is his title?"
WB: "Johnathan would be a direct supervisor, yes. As of right now, he is the opening supervisor for the Barlow branch Post Office. So I've - and this is anecdotal - Carrier down in another office said they watched the postmaster doing it. If it were just a typical day, it would be clerks doing it up a the distribution center."
JO: "So 8:00PM election day, November 3rd, the court of appeals ruled ballots have to be received by that time. And what were you told?"
WB: "To separate them today so they can mark them with yesterday's date and send them through the express system to wherever they needed to go."
JO: "This attempts to be an attempt to circumvent Michigan law and allow late votes. And you said there was a hamper where letter carriers were supposed to leave their ballots. Where are the ballots now?"
WB: "They were put into express bags to go to the distribution center. In regards to a hamper, there's a standard hamper that all letter mail is supposed to go to and they had a tub next to it that we were supposed to put any ballots collected today into."
JO: "What made you come forward?"
WB: "That's sketchy. I don't like sketchy. It screams corruption. Also, knowing the post office's leanings politically, it didn't seem quite right."
JO: "What is your message to other postal workers who see things like this?"
WB: "Report it. How are we supposed to have any integrity in this country is we are just going to let things slide based on a scaling issue?"
JO: "Are you afraid of retaliation against you?"
WB: "I've had whistleblower policies backfire on me in the past, so yes."
JO: "We'll have to reach out to Johnathan Clarke for comment."

James O'Keefe then rings Johnathan Clarke (the supervisor instructing employees to commit mail fraud), but he immediately hangs up.

JO: "Hey, is this Johnathan?"
Johnathan Clarke: "Yes."
JO: "Hey, I'm a reporter with Project Veritas, James O'Keefe here, and I have information that you guys have been stamping ballots with the previous dates, November 3rd."
JC hangs up.
JO: "He just hung up the phone on me."

Perhaps Johnathan hung up because he knows that mail fraud is a federal crime.

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If you have any tips regarding election fraud or voter fraud, you can contact Project Veritas at

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